Walls of inheritance are more than academic in 'TJ Loves Sally 4 Ever'

Intense and topically urgent, "TJ Loves Sally 4 Ever" hints at its satirical thrust in the style of the title, resembling as it does middle-school graffiti. Serious issues lie beneath its sketchy presentation, but the show's atmosphere is overall comical. The one-act play opens this weekend in a production at Fonseca Theatre Company. As seen Friday night, the show is vibrant under Josiah McCruiston's direction. It doesn't paint with as broad a brush as the director's notes suggest, but he clearly wants it to be open to an interpretation that advocates tearing down all barriers to equality that have stood firm historically. TJ makes his exra-academic intentions clear to Sally. The figures identified in the title are in one sense Thomas Jefferson, third president of the United States, and his enslaved mistress, Sally Hemings. Her contemporary namesake is played by Chandra Lynch as an ambitious graduate student focused on entering the academic world with her dig...