ALT's 'A Case for the Existence of God': Anything you can suffer I can suffer better?

Unaccustomed as I am to reviewing the next-to-last performance in a run, I was not surprised to find the American Lives Theatre production of "A Case for the Existence of God" so solidly embedded in the two actors' performances Saturday night. On Phoenix Theatre 's Russell Stage, Eric Reiberg and Eric Thompson had every detail as well as the large, turbulent arc of Samuel D. Hunter's play thoroughly in hand. Directed by Andrew Kramer, the 90-minute show captures the audience's engagement from the start. A torrent of words and shifts in two men's relationship in a small Idaho city ensues. It's a tribute not only to the writing but also to the evident commitment of Reiberg and Thompson to their tasks that within a few minutes I was thinking: "Okay, you guys, I'm thoroughly in this thing. Wherever you take me I'm ready to go." And that stuck, though I had to question some of the turns the dialogue takes, as if Hunter couldn't bear...