Indy Jazz Fest shows had separate spotlights on two local icons

The inimitable Steve Turre as "shellist" If Indianapolis were ever to erect a jazz Mount Rushmore, it would be universally agreed to represent Wes Montgomery, J.J. Johnson, and Freddie Hubbard in perpetual stone. Their legacies have never been lost sight of here, and the latter two have their niches in the current Indy Jazz Fest . The Freddie Hubbard tribute portion of the 2024 official kickoff Saturday was intense, but carried too much compacted energy to suit the confines of the Jazz Kitchen . Taken as a whole, the evening's schedule suggested the expansive vibes of the outdoor extravaganza that historically was always risky from the standpoints of weather and financing. At the risk of sounding like a kindergarten teacher, what I heard last weekend used its outdoor voice, not much of its indoor voice. It was clear that time constraints were part of the difficulty. It's not just that Hubbard, one of a handful of universally acknowledged jazz masters from Indianapol...