A new U.S. senator?: Shelter from the storm is the offer Alabama seems to have extended to Roy Moore

Come In, Roy Moore, We’ll Give You Shelter from the Storm

‘Twas in another lifetime, while building his career
He got no satisfaction without a nymphet near.
It only came out later he was running true to form.
Come in, Roy Moore, we’ll give you
       shelter from the storm.

So many teenage girls he tended to appall
They banned this creepy lawyer from the Gadsden shopping mall.
Do you think he was a predator? Well, you’re getting warm!
But ’Bama voters want to give him
      shelter from the storm.

He grew his base when he defied two orders from the court
Not to make the halls of justice a Ten Commandments fort.
There’s nothing that can stop him, no matter how he’s warned.
So Alabama’s poised to give him
       shelter from the storm.

Of politician sex offenders, he’s offended most:
His victims’ testimony was printed in the Post,
But that’s just propaganda, made up, it don’t inform,
Us Alabama voters offer him
       shelter from the storm.

Defenders thump their Bibles and search it for a text
To justify behavior that has so many vexed;
They cite Joseph and Mary, to whom was Jesus born;
Come in, they say, Roy Moore, and take
      shelter from the storm.

The Alabama governor amplifies the shout
To put a child molester in, keep the Democrat out:
The public good’s dispensable, we have a brand-new norm:
Come in, Judge Moore, we’ll give you
      shelter from the storm.

Across the land, the people wake, call monsters to atone;
When you hurt women, girls, or boys, you must stand alone:
But here in Dixie, we close ranks behind him, we’re not torn!
Come in, Judge Moore, our votes will give you
      shelter from the storm.

Be loyal to the creep you love’s the new GOP tenet
And come December 12th, they’ll send Roy Moore to the Senate:
Endorse the Christian predator, don’t mind the nation’s scorn:
The judge won’t budge if he is given
      shelter from the storm.


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