Ho-jo-to-ho! A fever-dream of U.S. politics smushed together with 'The Ring of the Nibelung'
The Ring of the Nebulous
(An April Fool’s Day operatic fantasy mashing up American politics on today's left and the Metropolitan Opera’s current production of the
Ring Cycle)
Ages ago, communities formed out of necessity and created
symbols and forms of wealth to help assure their prosperity and continuity. But
greed and lust soon compromised devotion to the communitarian ideal. Value
passed out of the hands of those who created it and was promiscuously
distributed, sometimes by violence and theft. Values eventually solidified uneasily
under two headings — one material, the other spiritual. But material wealth,
essential to triumph of both values, has largely stopped flowing, having coagulated
under the control of Monopoly Capitalism, taking the form of a precious Ring
guarded by a Dragon who killed his rivals and cheated his partners.
Old Socialism, the inheritor of the damaged communitarian
ideal, would do everything to get the Ring back and restore it to its proper
function, though what that was remains vague, or nebulous. Through his belief
in an idealized State of Nature he fathered the union of Big Money and Big
Fundamentalism. Unfortunately for him Big
Money has become a murderous nomad, and Big Fundamentalism is trapped in a
toxic marriage to Pastoral Authority. He had thought that from that marriage he
could devise a way to assure the eternal survival of his values. His consort, Liberal Democracy, also swore
allegiance to the communitarian ideal, but she is a bulwark of ethical
standards, and averse to her husband’s authoritarianism. Scandalized by the
incest, she has insisted on the household’s dissolution.
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A Wotan figure for our times, Bernie strives to advance his vision |
Green New Deal grows quickly into a strong young man, naïve
and fearless, groomed to be a hero. Old Socialism has given his grandson a
weapon forged by the dwarfish race of wealth creators; it is called Alternative
Forms of Energy. Thus Green New Deal launches a mission to slay the guardian of
the stolen wealth, a resentful Dragon of Monopoly Capitalism, who is more
behind on payments to creditors than even Old Socialism. Once this mission is
accomplished, with the Dragon roaring “Fake News!” at the end, Green New Deal
has the secret of society’s transformation in his possession.
After relieving Alexandria of her confinement by the Flames
of Publicity, Green New Deal is ready to fully emerge as a hero. But he is
tricked into surrendering the powers his new status has given him by Big
Fundamentalism, now represented by the baleful Pence and his consort,
Mother. Their victory will inevitably need the contribution of Big Money, so
the magic Ring of the Nebulous must not be allowed to be returned to Old
Socialism. Green New Deal forgets his mission under the machinations of Big
Fundamentalism, but yields the ring to Alexandria as surety of his bond to her and
sets forth to fulfill his mission. Alexandria waits patiently for him outside a
cave in the Bronx.
Old Socialism, disguised as Bernie the Wanderer, descends to
Earth to reset Green New Deal on the right path, and, meeting him, mocks his ignorance. “Big
banks are the main problem,” he says. “A healthier environment will follow.” Insulted
to combat, Green New Deal shatters Old Socialism’s spear, Political
Correctness. Soon, however, the eager hero, falsely promised fulfillment, is
stabbed in the back by the deceptions of Pence and Mother, who fear they will
lose all power if the hero should triumph.
The distraught Alexandria, faithful to the last to her lost
love, mounts the steed of Democratic Socialism and rides into Marx Manor, setting
it afire with the cursed power of the Ring of the Nebulous. The flames consume
the underfunded, ideologically flimsy estate, and everyone perishes – including
Old Socialism, Liberal Democracy, Democratic Socialism, and Alexandria’s
colleagues and rivals, among them Elizabeth, Cory, Kamala, Joaquin, Beto,
Zeppo, Groucho, Chico, and Harpo. In a final outburst before he too is
consumed, Rudy, the Dwarf of Gotham, makes a futile grab for the Ring, just
before everything is reduced to cinders.
Here’s a crucial part
of the opera libretto, written in the alliterative style of ancient Germanic
verse (Stabreim) that Wagner adopted for his tetralogy and that English readers
know chiefly in “Beowulf.” The scene is the argument between Old Socialism and the Millennialkyrie,
who has defied him and thwarted his agreement with Liberal Democracy to spare
Big Money and Big Fundamentalism. Her disobedience necessitates the imposition
of a punishment confining her within a wall of fire until a hero’s rescue.
Here you are to hold me responsible, right?
Old Socialism:
You punish yourself palpably, too ready to rise,
Deficient in honor to daring deeds of old.
Being Millennials, we are meaning to burgeon,
And so we rise greatly to hit the ground running.
Old Socialism:
But without my blessing, you were a barmaid wasting:
I boldly mandated the benefice of your mission.
Moving dead heroes monotonously to Marx Manor
Is a slave’s mission: Harrowing earth’s hell, we slink
Away from the fraught condition of the world
To wearily tend to your worn-out tenets.
Like the dreadful, leering Dragon,
You reveled for years in raucous rallies,
While we knocked on many neighbors’ doors,
Valiantly deserving the vote deluge
That came to us so convincingly.
Old Socialism:
These boasts are your failings foretold,
Born of inexperience, blatant and banal:
Retail politics rends real progress
And dishonoring elders is dangerous.
Your old socialism sinks ever into senility.
Your vaunted spear, Surplus Value, surprises
No more, your values invalid, unvenerated:
If workers no long weave ways to wield
The means of production, what message
Make you beyond moaning of unfairness?
Old Socialism:
It grieves me greatly that you must yield now.
Fitting is it that you suffer for falseness
To the service that sustains us. Surrounded
By the forever Flames of Publicity,
The substantial aspect of your celebrity,
Only a puissant paladin may penetrate
The pale, one pure and impervious to fear.
Whatevs! That’s what I warrior-like reply
To this demented law of Liberal Democracy
To satisfy the surrender of old socialism,
Putting the people and the planet in peril.
Old Socialism:
So must it be. Mingle, mainstream media!
Come engender fits of furious fire
Mounted magically about this Millennialkyrie
Until her deliverance may descend
From valor unveiled, perhaps via
Green New Deal, undaunted and dexterous.
Farewell! I vacate now this venue
To mourn at Marx Manor in Vermont.
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